What should XR Lambeth focus on in 2021?

When it comes to climate and social justice, there is (unfortunately) no shortage of things to fight for or against! In December XR UK published its Strategy Update for 2021.

As a local group, XR Lambeth is obviously supporting and involved in many  regional (London), national and international actions. But we also spend a lot of our time engaging in activities and actions in our local community.

What should we focus on in 2021? We have lots of ideas but we need to concentrate our efforts to get them to fruition, so we’re keen on hearing from all XR Lambeth rebels what they think.

You just need to go to pollev.com/zazette and make your suggestions. You can submit up to three, but please look at those already made first as they may be similar to yours! You can also use the like and and dislike icons to upvote or outvote suggestions.

Any issues/question with this or want to expand on your suggestions?  Drop us a line: [email protected]

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