XR Lambeth Update banner

XRL Newsletter – 20th May 2022

Dearest rebels, This month Lambeth rebels got full on climate justice mode getting involved in protests against the Africa Energies Summit and disrupting the AGMs of fossil fuel insurers and funders HSBC, Barclays and Standard Chartered. And we’re planning to […]

XRL update banner

XRL Newsletter – 5th May 2022

Dearest rebels, Can you believe it is already May? Trees have blossomed and the sun is shining (most days!). Unfortunately our rebels’ mood was dampened by the passing of the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts bill and other pieces of […]

March April update

XR Lambeth update: pre-rebellion buzz

Hello dear rebels, Pardon the pun, but the lovely weather got us springing back into action! We’ve hit the ground running with mobilisation and actions these past couple of weeks, and the coming ones promise to be as exciting with […]